Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I had a great birthday weekend! Here are the highlights:
  • Went to Isabel’s Parent-Teacher conference (which was a very happy occasion)
  • Went to a great pottery sale where I saw a lot of impressive work and met some interesting people
  • Went to our good friends’ kid’s 1-year old birthday party

  • Had some of my most favorite meals (waffles, tortellini all vodka, buffalo chicken & shrimp, bourbon barbecue shrimp w/ sweet potato fritters)

  • Watched football (Dolphins lost L, but at least the Saints won J last night) all day yesterday
    But best of all, spent a wonderful day with my lovely wife and my sweet kids (Penny & Mark stopped by too)

  • I got lots of hugs and kisses, some pottery (of course), Stephen Colbert’s new book and the kids both made me tye-die t-shirts (which I love).

Here are the signs Isabel had taped to my CHAIER (that’s how we say it in the South) when I came to the table for breakfast Sunday morning.