McCain Jumps the Shark (aka, Presidential Debate #2)
My opinion of this debate is about the same as the first presidential debate…
McCain came off as a cranky old man (including his “THAT ONE” line), who gave us next to nothing in the way of concrete plans or information regarding what he will do for our country. And he still seemed awkward & uncomfortable to me. I swear I think the old guy is going senile – at some points during the debate, he just seemed to be talking in circles. Not the sort of clear, concise language a presidential candidate should be using. Of course it is the nature of all politicians to talk endlessly without saying anything REAL, but McCain went beyond that I think.
Oh, and one more thing – by the end of the debate, he was really bugging me with saying “MY FRIENDS…” over and over. It just became kinda creepy. I could almost picture him in a dark alley with an overcoat saying “step into the alley with me, MY FRIENDS, I have something to show you…”
Obama was calm, logical, and methodical. He was well-spoken and gave the impression that he’s ready to do something real for America. I thought it was pretty brave for him to say that he thought health care should be a right for all Americans. It’s not often that a politician is willing to take such a firm stand so far from the center (left or right).
I think this race has become analogous with the story of the tortoise and the hare. Obama is just taking it slow and steady, while McCain is jumping around like a lunatic from one lame-ass strategy to the next (picking Palin as a running mate, suspending his campaign during the failed bailout vote, this new smear campaign against Obama, etc.). It would seem that the McCain camp has jumped the shark.
And one more thing, since we’re on the topic. This debate format/process seems flawed to me. I know the moderator has to rein them in a little or it would just devolve into a shouting match, but the way it works now, the last guy that gets to speak can make up whatever BS he wants, because the other guy doesn’t get a chance to respond.
Of course, if we were to have a proper debate, each candidate would tell us his position on the given issue and why and then the next guy would do the same (without any mud-slinging, emotional anecdotes, or fear-mongering). A real, proper debate is what we need. Maybe we should send all four of them to school to learn proper debating techniques.
All in all I think the debate was not terribly exciting. No fights, no train major train wrecks (although I think McCain’s train is rolling down the wrong track), but also not much in the way of deep probing Q&A.
I’m not surprised that the people at Fox were bitter – McCain failed. Not that it was a huge blowout by Obama, but like the tortoise, slow and steady wins the race (I HOPE).
By the way, only 104 days to go!!! Can’t wait till Jan 20th!
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