My respects to my fellow veterans who have died in the service of our country; my heart goes out to all the families & friends of those vets.
I had a good, low-key Memorial Day weekend. Had a cook-out at my sister’s house Friday night. Visited with my mom & nephew who left on Saturday morning. I went to see Iron Man on Sunday with my Marine niece, who was visiting for the weekend. Then yesterday, Debi and the kids and I just hung out -- watched a movie (Hook) and played games all day.
Its days like that I wish I could bottle and save for some day in the future when they’re all grown up.
Promotional Photos of Drew Barrymore and the Extra-Terrestria for the
Steven Spielberg’s Movie “E.T.” (1982)
*E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial* (or simply *E.T.*) is a 1982 science fiction
film produced and directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Melissa
Mathison. I...
10 hours ago