Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sarah Palin

Did McCain really think it would be SO easy to wrap up all the votes for hardcore Christian conservatives and women in one tidy little package??  I guess he did.  But it seems he may have gotten it wrong.


I don’t know if Palin has won over the conservatives, but it seems the women-folk aren’t buying it.  A female pal of mine said she felt that bringing in a woman was nothing more than a ploy by the McCain campaign to say “see how progressive we are???”  She went on to say “you know I would love to see a woman running but GEEZ.... she is in over her head and does not give a RIP about women's rights.”


Troopergate and the other recently revealed tidbits about her past are infinitesimal compared to scandals involving many other politicians, but the steady flow of these little nuggets makes it seem like McCain & his people did not choose wisely.  No matter how you feel about her level of experience (a. she doesn’t have enough experience with the way things run in Washington or b. you’re fooling yourself), you have to admit that it looks like McCain chose her in haste.  Regardless of the reality, that’s the appearance.  It seems like a bad, rushed choice and who wants a president who can’t make good choices under pressure?  Oh wait… well, I mean who wants ANOTHER president who can’t make good choices under pressure?


Kudos to Obama for saying that Palin’s teenage daughter is off-limits.  I agree.  Too bad the media can’t get on-board with that.  My friend said: “If I hear one more media person say:  of course she is not fair game... and then they analyze it for 15 minutes.  Not fair game would mean - just not talking about it at all.”


I don’t really want to hear any of the crap about her being a Mom to five kids and how can she do that, who’ll take care of the kids, etc.  It’s the twenty-freakin-first century; I think a woman has a right to choose to work outside the home.  It’s none of my business how the family down the street manages with a working mom and it’s none of my business how the VP manages it.


I’m interested in seeing how her speech goes tonight.