Sunday, March 02, 2008

Blogus Interruptus

I've been on a hiatus from the blog for the past two weeks because I've been training my replacement at work. Did I mention that I'm changing jobs? Same company, different job. I'm going from Accounting/Systems Manager to Training & Development Manager.

Interesting change, huh? Accounting speaks to my logical/analytical side, but after 6 years in Accounting my creative/artistic side is jonesin' for some action. Anyway, I have been preparing for & training my replacement in Accounting for the past 3 weeks. I have one more week of training her before I officially move into my new job. Cramming 6 years worth of learning into 3 weeks is an interesting challenge.

I couldn't possibly begin to recount all of the random thoughts I've had over the past two weeks, but here are a couple of highlights:

  • Only 14 days until HGTV gives me my new dream home in Islamorada! (sorry Val)
  • I still don't get why so many people are gaga over Obama. Can anyone explain it to me? I'm hopeful that Ohio & Texas will go for Hillary, but it's not looking good. Is it too late for Gore to get into the race? I suppose he could wait until later and run as an independent.
  • I've had a tough time with pottery class -- I hate my clay & my clay hates me. I think changing days has messed with my sense of order. I'm feeling like I should have stayed in the beginning class for a while longer. And my final excuse is that I haven't been able to really focus on pottery due to the extra time spent at work in the past few weeks.
  • Saw the movie Once on DVD. I loved the music. I'm always so intrigued and impressed by the creative song-writing process.
  • Went last night to see U23D. It was AWESOME. I loved all the songs, but I think my favorite in the movie was Sunday, Bloody Sunday. This is a must-see for any music lover.
Finally, here are some quotes from Bush Countdown calendar (counting down the days until he leaves office) that a friend gave me for Xmas. There were 3 good ones in a row so I thought I should share:

Quote for 2/22:
“This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And, having said that, all options are on the table.”
--Israeli television interview, 2/22/2005

Quote for 2/23 & 24:
“If you don’t stand for anything, you don’t stand for anything!”
-- Austin-American Statesman, 2000

Quote for 2/25:
“The Bob Jones policy on interracial dating… I spoke against that. I spoke out against interracial dating. I support the policy of interracial dating.”
-- CBS News, 2/25/2000

He is SUCH an idiot.