Friday, February 15, 2008

Stupid-ass made up words

I am getting quite sick of Jake Tapper and all the other news morons making up words such as “Obamentum” when referring to Barrack Obama. They are just getting silly and giddy adding O-B-A in front of ANY word that begins with an M.

Before you know it, you’ll be hearing:

  • Tell Obamama that daddy said he’s going to be late.
  • I want Obamacaroni & cheese for dinner.
  • Oh my god, the town will be destroyed if it’s hit by that Obameteorite!

What's next?? I’ll tell you what’s next; they’ll start branching out to other letters of the alphabet or words that contain an M anywhere in the word as in:
  • If Barrack keeps winning delegates, he will surely win the Obamination.

This will all stop of course, when Al Gore quits goofing off and enters the race to save the Democratic party and The Country.